The link on Advaita philosophy seems to be good. Has a good explanation of Dakshinamurthy Astakam and its explanation of Advaita. Donot miss the four fundamental Mahavakyas part. I have also added a link to the sidebar.
The following is the common line from the astakam:
Tasmi Shri Gurumurthaye Nama Idam Shri Dakshinamurthaye!
of course we know: Sivaya Gurave namah.
Postscript added on 06/23/05: Dakshninamurthy Stotram and Astakam are the same. Written by Shri AdiShankara. have the common 4th line "Tasmay Shri Gurumurhyaye, Nama Idam Shri Dakshninamurthaye".
please tell me your experiences w. advaita. im also a born again christian & i see a. as an enhancement