Saturday, June 18, 2005

Hinduism update

It seems that Buddhism had the following doctrines which were not that prevalent in Hinduism earlier:
  • significance of ahimsa
  • construction of huge temples as a place which can be used in a multi-purpose way (including for social events: earlier people prayed only to Indra and others, not particularly in temples)
  • sponsorship of religion by Kings in some form.

  • Hinduism followed by
  • adopting the tenet "Ahimsa Paramo Dharma", by stopping of sacrifices
  • adopting Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu: someone who can show a way to truth.
  • building huge temples for Hindu gods (it seems the parctice was not there earlier).
  • doing a state sponsorship of religion, the main examples being by south indian kings like Raja-Raja-the-great.

  • The result was there was no Buddhism "left" (if there was such a description), as it had nothing new to offer!! This was the way in which Hinduism assimilated Buddhism.
    The question of relevance is, suppose Hinduism is threatened by Christianity or Islam in some way, can it save itself in the same way by assimilating it? i.e., 1000 years down the line, do we have
  • prayers to Christ and Muhammad as prophets.
  • some kind of acceptance that we are imperfect(other schools in Hinduism can continue to believe the vedantic way of perfectness).
  • make piligrimage to mecca as a reasonably mandatory one (in hinduism, people can do piligrimages to wherever and as and they want to).
  • Truly, I am not opposed to any of the above. Though I can think of some ways in which the assimilation could go in a direction that I may not want. What if such a thing happens? What direction could be a dangerous one?


    1. True religion is Eternal, it can possibly never by destroyed. What do you think, does true Hinduism or Dharma exist in the society today .... Go out and look at the people's attitude today ...

      Raja Raja Chola travelled across the island nation of Sri Lanka quite young, where he was inspired by the buddhist teachings and incorporated some of those ideas in building the great temples in Tamil Nadu. It is one of the greatest things ever done by a king for a society in common. Just for this reason he would remain one of the greatest emperors of history.

    2. Saro (I think I can call you as I call my similarly named friends),

      You ased two questions:

      >"True religion is Eternal, it can possibly never by destroyed. What do you think, does true Hinduism or Dharma exist in the society today .... Go out and look at the people's attitude today ... "

      I think you answered yourself: If a true religion can never possibly be destroyed, how can Hinduism be destroyed by people's attitude. Yes, people are being a little desturbed now-a-days. That does not mean that Dharma does not exist! It just means it is weak. Yes, the reason is Kali-Yuga. But surely, a avatar will rise and show people the right way.

      >"Raja Raja Chola travelled across the island nation of Sri Lanka quite young, where he was inspired by the buddhist teachings and incorporated some of those ideas in building the great temples in Tamil Nadu. It is one of the greatest things ever done by a king for a society in common. Just for this reason he would remain one of the greatest emperors of history"

      Yes! I agree. Raja-Raja was one of the greatest kings in India.

    3. i cant see much of an improvement upon 'we are god' & the world is the collective projection of us all. we might get guidance on just how to experience our divinity more fully. too much jewelry & make up spoils a lovely face
