Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Sapta Shloki Bhagavad Gita

Another Sapta Shloki Bhagavad Gita (one is this), has been popularized by Swami Ramsukh Dasji, who was (and still is) a great guiding light to the Vedanta community. The verses are given below, with the translation of verses 2-6 by Swami Gambhirananda.

  1. vasudevasutaM devaM ka.nsacaaNuuramardanam
    devakiiparamaanandaM kR^iShNaM va.nde jagadgurum

    I bow to the divine son of Vasudeva, Who vanquished the demons Kamsa and Chanura, One who is the infinite source of joy for Devaki, the Krishna who is the Teacher of the entire universe.

  2. shriibhagavaanuvaacha .
    bahuuni me vyatiitaani janmaani tava chaarjuna .
    taanyahaM veda sarvaaNi na tvaM vettha para.ntapa .. 4.5..

    The Blessed Lord said: O Arjuna, many lives of Mine have passed, and so have yours. I know them all, (but) you know not, O scorcher of enemies!

  3. ajo.api sannavyayaatmaa bhuutaanaamiishvaro.api san.h .
    prakR^iti.n svaamadhishhThaaya saMbhavaamyaatmamaayayaa .. 4.6..

    Though I am birthless, undecaying by nature, and the Lord of beings, (still) by subjugating My Prakriti, I take birth by means of My own Maya.

  4. yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya glaanirbhavati bhaarata .
    abhyutthaanamadharmasya tadaatmaanaM sR^ijaamyaham.h .. 4.7..

    O scion of the Bharata dynasty, whenever there is a decline one virtue and increase of vice, then do I manifest Myself.

  5. paritraaNaaya saadhuunaa.n vinaashaaya cha dushhkR^itaam.h .
    dharmasa.nsthaapanaarthaaya saMbhavaami yuge yuge .. 4.8..

    For the protection of the pious, the destruction of the evil-doers, and establishing virtue, I manifest Myself in every age.

  6. janma karma cha me divyamevaM yo vetti tattvataH .
    tyaktvaa dehaM punarjanma naiti maameti so.arjuna .. 4.9..

    He who thus knows truly the divine birth and actions of Mine does not get rebirth after casting off the body. He attains Me, O Arjuna.

  7. vasudevasutaM devaM ka.nsacaaNuuramardanam
    devakiiparamaanandaM kR^iShNaM va.nde jagadgurum

    (See translation of [1])

It may be argued that this is not really a Sapta Shloki Gita, as only verses 2-6 are from Gita. But, what is a collection of Gita Verses which does not begin and end with Krishna Invocation? Verses 1 and 7 are from kR^iShNAShTaka, written by Adi Shankaracharya.

Here is the website of Swami Ramsukh Das-ji.

This post is one of many with the tag Collections of Gita Verses.

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