Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sapta Shloki Bhagavad Gita

In the stotra-ratnAvaLi (Stotra Ratnavali) by Gita Press Gorakhpur, is given a Sapta Shloka Gita. The verses are given below, with translation by Swami Gambhirananda.

  1. shriibhagavaanuvaacha .

    omityekaaksharaM brahma vyaaharanmaamanusmaran.h .
    yaH prayaati tyajandehaM sa yaati paramaa.n gatim.h .. 8.13..

    He who departs by leaving the body while uttering the single syllable, viz Om, which is Brahman, and thinking of Me, he attains the supreme Goal.

  2. arjuna uvaacha .

    sthaane hR^ishhiikesha tava prakiirtyaa
    jagatprahR^ishhyatyanurajyate cha .
    rakshaa.nsi bhiitaani disho dravanti
    sarve namasyanti cha siddhasaN^ghaaH .. 11.36..

    It is proper, O Hrsikesa, that the world becomes delighted and attracted by Your praise; that the Raksasas, stricken with fear, run in all directions; and that all the groups of the Siddhas bow down (toYou).

  3. shriibhagavaanuvaacha .

    sarvataH paaNipaadaM tatsarvato.akshishiromukham.h .
    sarvataH shrutimalloke sarvamaavR^itya tishhThati .. 13.14..

    That (Knowable), which has hands and feet everwhere, which has eyes, heads and mouths everywhere, which has ears everywhere, exists in creatures by pervading them all.

  4. kaviM puraaNamanushaasitaaraM
    aNoraNiiya.nsamanusmaredyaH .
    sarvasya dhaataaramachintyaruupaM
    aadityavarNaM tamasaH parastaat.h .. 8.9..

    He who meditates on the Omniscient, the Anceint, the Ruler, subtler than the subtle, the Ordainer of everything, of inconceivable form, effulgent like the sun, and beyond darkness-(he attains the supreme Person).

  5. uurdhvamuulamadhaHshaakhamashvatthaM praahuravyayam.h .
    chhandaa.nsi yasya parNaani yasta.n veda sa vedavit.h .. 15.1..

    They say that the peepul Tree, which has its roots upward and the branches downward, and of which the Vedas are the leaves, is imperishable. He who realizes it is knower of the Vedas.

  6. sarvasya chaahaM hR^idi sannivishhTo
    mattaH smR^itirGYaanamapohana.ncha .
    vedaishcha sarvairahameva vedyo
    vedaantakR^idvedavideva chaaham.h .. 15.15..

    And I am seated in the hearts of all. From Me are memory, knowledge and their loss. I alone am the object to be known through all the Vedas; I am also the originator of the Vedanta, and I Myself am the knower of the Vedas.

  7. manmanaa bhava madbhakto madyaajii maa.n namaskuru .
    maamevaishhyasi satya.n te pratijaane priyo.asi me .. 18.65..

    Have your mind fixed on Me, be My devotee, be a sacrificer to Me and bow down to Me. (Thus) you will come to Me alone. (This) truth do I pormise to you. (For) you are dear to Me.

It was asked on the advaitin list, why these are selected. One answer suggested that this one originated in Kashmir. The answer by Sunder-ji is worth reading too!

The question remains as to the origin and the meaning of this selection!

This post is one of many with the tag Collections of Gita Verses.

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