Sunday, July 03, 2005

depth of KMW-T and oracles

Suppose an oracle tells us that the depth of the KMW-T is 1. How can we verify that? by finding the witness vector or separation vector. which one??
If we generalize the idea of the oracle further and say that we can verify in some time T \in POLY(n,m,d,max-distance), whether the KMW-T has depth is k or not. Suppose an oracle tells us that the depth of the KMW-T is <= k. A (binary?) search across k would give us the certificate to verify the statement. This would take the running time of the algorithm to be T * log k. How can we do better?
to do:
  • Get the definitions of witness and separation vectors (of various kinds).
  • understand the concepts of independent sub-space and maximal independent subspace.
    Prime and composite nodes: In the previous post, there were a couple of analogies between the different decomposition trees. Let us call a leaf of a decomposition tree prime, if it is annotated with a component which is a node of the original graph. Otherwise, call the leaf as composite. The whole problem of ZC-detection is but seeing if there exists a composite node.
    Define an edge casting a shadow on another component if the edge is in the maximal independent subspace of the component????? So, can we begin with a node and keep adding edges to it till we detect a ZC?
    To do: get the idea of maximal independent subspace and difference between the witness and certificate of CM-Z.
    Top-down decomposition Vs. Bottom-up construction: How to unify two components?
    To-do: understand the KMW-EX with depth of 1 and 2. how and why are the depths of that size.
    to-do: frame a LP program which takes a two connected components and returns a parent node with a certificate. Suppose we want to add a third node which is in the same strongly connected component as these two, it need not have a parent which is different from these two. It can be attached to the same parent as the original. The certificate stored at the parent may or maynot change.
    The KMW-EX -577 is very useful to know about the longest paths. Visalize a bounding box, with nodes of two colors and the dependences. If there is a circuit in G^\infty, there is a loop in the PRDG.
    The memory optimization by building through subspaces and simultaneously increasing the "range" of subspaces.