QR say that for a given schedule, the projective memory allocation method gives the minimal amount of memory required.
What can we do with the separating hyperplanes to minimize the amount of residual memory?
The general approach to solve the ZC detection problem: Compute a separating hyperplane called a certificate (using a LP in the case of KMW, KS, DV-KMW or a faster way as in CM-Z) and use the certificate to partition, or decompose, the graph. CM-Z say that the depth of the decomposition tree is bounded by the dimensions of the weights. Should it be n? no. It should be min(n,d).
More about QR memory allocation: Darte and others have also proposed a memory allocation algorithm. Their paper, DSV-LM has a nice overview of QR.
To do: QR has a nice overview of the scheduling problem in general. Read it.